Tuesday, April 1, 2008


No violins or any string instruments (besides the usual jazz instruments; piano, guitars, and electric bass) are going to the Monterey Jazz Festival. How depressing. I've been looking forward to this for over three years! I spoke with the band director today, and he said that he would hold auditions tomorrow, hopefully for the next jazz festival (which is supposedly in five to six weeks, according to one band geek in jazz). Apparently "we can't do it this weekend, obviously". I thought we could pull it together! Hmph

So my day has been pretty depressing. My friend saw Run Fatboy Run without me over break because he thought I had already seen it (we were originally supposed to go together with a bunch of other people). So now he doesn't want to see it anymore because he said it's not as good as Shaun of the Dead. But Shaun of the Dead isn't in theatres! Bleh. I just want to see a hilarious Simon Pegg movie with my friends and tons of fake-buttered popcorn, okay?

I'm moody. And I'm upset. And we have a concert tomorrow that no one in the orchestra is looking forward to because we get owned every year by our rivals (it's a district-wide concert; the other school is better beyond any means of comparison). Our marching band is way better, but their orchestra far exceeds ours. It's so humiliating. We play pieces a middle school orchestra should have surpassed. They play pieces a decent high school orchestra should play. Ugh. There's a district-wide band concert on April 9th that I'm kind of looking forward to because it's time for me to become, once again, a cameraman. Jazz band, wind ensemble, and another band (can't remember now) is supposed to be there, and same from our rival school. In that case, our school is so much better. =]

Chemistry and algebra homework left. I should be done in an hour. Then maybe I can rip out the scarf I've been working on with the pattern from ImagiKnit & the Oro y Vino yarn. I also should rip out the Valentine's Day Scarf that I've made with the Manos de Uraguay instead of a Prismsatic Scarf. I'd rather do a seed stitch border instead of garter. Honestly, garter's pretty ugly. In my opinion, that is. So back to homework.

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