Monday, April 14, 2008

Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head

So I just did me some talkin' to the sun.

I never knew golf could use up so much energy. I have A period P.E. (the period before school starts, taken by students who have a larger course load than most), so it's freezing cold. Apparently we're in our golf unit, so we set up a driving range on the JV soccer field using carpet samples (a good 11 x 14" each, I'd say). There, we set up the cheap plastic ball and hit it with a somewhat authentic-looking golf club. After everyone has hit their four balls, our teacher calls for everyone to run out and get the four balls they threw. My friends and I always run as fast as we can to get the ones closest hit by people who have no idea how to hit a ball (that definitely includes me). Basically, the idea is to run the least, and I suppose it's our little game to see who gets back first. Most of the class thinks we're weird, but it doesn't really matter to us. My legs are sore from this morning. But it feels good. Since I'm not in track this year, I haven't felt it since last year.

It turns out that the scrapbook is actually due next Monday. So I'm the only overachiever in the class that finished it early. But that means that I'll have four extra hours free next weekend! Knowing me, I'll probably knit or something.

Anderson Cooper 360's on. I can hear it reverberating from downstairs. Apparently some polygamist woman from the Texas compound is speaking to him, and he's getting all excited for not having access to them before, and this being the first of its kind. She doesn't want to say how many wives her husband had, but earlier, there was some woman saying that he had around 15. Frightful.

I haven't knit for a while. I wasn't able to knit yesterday because I had more English homework after the scrapbook. I hope I'll be able to tonight.

Updated at 8:11 PM to include:

The polygamist woman is being (excuse my language) a total bitch. Apparently she feels like she's being persecuted just as the Jews were by the Nazis during WWII.

And I miss my orchestra buddy. She's been gone for too long.

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