Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Jazz Auditions are Over

And I know I didn't make it. What's frustrating is not the fact that I didn't do well on my audtion, but that I have no way of knowing if I have a back-up (Chamber). The list wasn't posted today either because the teacher wasn't there. AHH! So tomorrow, I will be really anxious to find out if I made it. I don't know when Jazz members will be posted, but I don't think I made it, so I guess it shouldn't really matter. The audition went something like this:

"Play the piece you prepared"
"Play a G Major scale."
Played two octaves.
"Now, play a g harmonic minor scale."
"...Well, I don't know my minor scales.
"You don't know your minor scales? How about melodic minor?
"Um... not those either."
"Play a g melodic minor scale. Lower the 3rd, raise the 6th and 7th."
Had some difficulty, but finally got it.
"Alright. Do you know any blues scales?"
"Um... no."
"Hmmm. Okay. Well, play for me an F Major scale."
Played without a problem.
"Now Ab (A flat) Major"
"Perfect. Okay then, that's it."

And that was all. I'm so ashamed of myself. I call myself a musician yet I can't really play my minor scales. How pathetic. He didn't tell me that I hadn't made it, but I'm sure that I won't be enrolled in Jazz Band next year. If no Chamber either, it looks like dreadful Computer Science for the next two years.

Peace Treaty Scarf for the orchestra conductor (not the same as the band director; the band director auditioned me today):

It's a Woven Stitch from Betty Barnden's Crochet Stitch Bible. I think it will work.

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